Graduate Studies Banner Fellowship Allocation Request Form

Graduate Studies Banner Fellowship Allocation Request Form

This form is to be used to activate and add a dollar allocation to Banner Fund Codes associated with Aggie Enterprise accounts to pay Stipend Fellowships, Tuition & Fee fellowships, and/or Nonresident Supplemental Tuition (NRST) fellowships to academic graduate students only. This webform replaces the Microsoft Word form GS504.

This form contains ten allocation options.  Each allocation entry must contain an account number, major code, and the total dollar amount you intend to award from that account during the entire academic year to students from that major. For example, if you are paying ten, $1,000, fellowships to ten students from Chemistry from a single account, you would only need to use a single allocation section (Account 3110-XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX-78-XXX, major code GCCB, amount = $10,000). However, if you are paying two, $1,000, fellowships from a single account to two students from different majors, you would need to use two sections (Section 1: account 3110-XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX-78-XXX, major code GCCB, amount = $1,000; Section 2: account 3-1234567, major code GBSE, amount = $1,000).

This form should also be used if you need to increase or lower a previously submitted allocation amount for the same academic year.

If you need to pay a fellowship to a professional student (students enrolled in the School of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School of Management, School of Medicine, or the School of Law), please see Financial Aid's form: Request to Pay Professional and Dual Degree Graduate Students.

Before submitting this form, please review our "How to Pay a Fellowship" page.


  • Current Staff Submission Information
  • Account Allocations
  • Complete
Name of the staff person requesting a new Banner allocation. Please note, allocations need to only be submitted if a program staff member will be entering the award directly into Banner. 
Please enter the name of your home department.