Research Training Grant Programs

Research Training Grants

A training grant is an agreement that provides funding intended to pay stipends to, and provide a coordinated training program for students, postdoctoral researchers, staff, teachers and/or faculty who are selected by the institution to be a part of the training program. Training grants are different from fellowships, which generally provide stipends for individuals who are selected by the agency. Training grants are awarded by federal and non-federal agencies. There are several programs funded by training grants on campus, and we strive to support these programs and encourage new opportunities for academic enrichment and student training.

A request for proposals for a training grant may have a broad scope in line with the general goals of the funding agency, or the request may be targeted to a particular research focus. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) both post multi-disciplinary funding announcements, though they also issue calls with specific training goals.

List of Training Grant Programs at UC Davis

This list does not include all of the training grant opportunities available at UC Davis. Please contact specific departments or graduate groups to learn about additional programs.

Predoctoral Trainee Support

Postdoctoral Trainee Support

Contact us if you would like your training program listed here.