Advising and Mentoring

Advising and Mentoring

Faculty-Student Mentoring

UC Davis Graduate Studies supports and advances graduate faculty-student mentoring through a variety of efforts. Elizabeth Sturdy, our Director of Mentoring and Academic Success Initiatives, is coordinating and facilitating best mentoring practices.  Learn more about our commitment to mentoring and explore our list of resources by visiting our mentoring page.

Problems and Dispute Resolution

Do not wait until a graduate student is in crisis to contact us. We are available to hear concerns and discuss strategies at any stage in your interaction with a graduate student who is having sdifficulty. Visit our Problems and Dispute Resolutions page to learn more about our consultation services and support resources. 

Advising and Mentoring Quick Links

Health and Well-Being Resources for Graduate Students

There are a range of health and well-being resources (including physical and mental health resources, accommodations and resources for basic needs) to support graduate students during their UC Davis tenure. Faculty and staff can and should refer students to well-being resources as part of mentoring and advising.