Outstanding Graduate Program Coordinator Award

About the Award

Graduate Studies recognizes the vital role graduate program coordinators play in supporting UC Davis graduate students. Graduate program coordinators are often a graduate student’s first point of contact and can advise students on nearly every aspect of the graduate program – from orientation to graduation. They play an invaluable role in directing graduate students to personal and professional resources that help them fulfill their academic goals. And they support their program(s) by maintaining institutional memory and building community. This award recognizes those graduate program coordinators who demonstrate initiative beyond their programs and contribute to university- or system-wide improvements in graduate education.

Awardees will receive a plaque, acknowledgement at the annual Advising Graduate Students Conference, a $1,000 award and a one-year membership in NACADA.


  • Currently serving as the primary graduate program coordinator for one or more graduate programs
  • Have been a coordinator for at least one year

Who May Nominate

UC Davis graduate students, staff, or faculty.  Graduate program coordinators may self-nominate. 


The award committee will look for the following criteria in making the award:

  • ability to work as an effective advocate for graduate students and graduate causes in the program
  • demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • ability to create a welcoming, supportive, and culturally inclusive environment for graduate students
  • ability to work as an effective liaison between graduate students and their graduate advisors, and between the graduate program and Graduate Studies
  • record of collaboration with different units
  • record of instituting innovative or new ways to advise or support students
  • record of campus-level impact or leadership


Nominations can be submitted using the form below. Initial nomination materials will follow NACADA guidelines and consist of:

  • Nomination letter. The letter should outline the nominee’s qualifications and provide evidence and specific examples that demonstrate outstanding performance. We encourage the letter to include quotes or comments from faculty, colleagues and/or students. The letter should be no more than three pages, single spaced. (Upload as one document below).
  • As many as three letters of support, including at least one from a current or former student. Other letters may come from faculty, staff, or graduate students who can further support the nomination. Letters should be no more than two pages single spaced. (Upload as one document below).

Nomination deadline: August 14, 2024

Please send nominations as a single compiled pdf to Nicole Rabaud, Executive Director of Student and Postdoctoral Support, at nerabaud@ucdavis.edu


Selection of finalists and recipients will be made by the Outstanding Graduate Program Coordinator Award Review Committees.

If selected, awardee will be asked to provide a Resume/CV and a statement on their advising philosophy.

Questions can be sent to Nicole Rabaud, Executive Director of Student and Postdoctoral Support, at nerabaud@ucdavis.edu



Past Awardees

2023-24: Alyssa Parsons (Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology)
2022-23: Erin Kent (Integrative Pathobiology)
2021-22:  Rosaisela Rodriguez (Education) and Lauren Worrell (Civil & Environmental Engineering)
2020-21:  Angela Scully (Psychology)