Goal 1-A
Lead critical conversations about graduate admissions and enrollment and create graduate recruitment and admission plans.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
• Work collaboratively with programs, schools and colleges, Enrollment Management, DEI, and others to identify goals.
• Create, communicate, and implement annual graduate recruitment plans.
• Host admissions and recruitment training for graduate groups and programs.
• Work with Services for International Students and Scholars to develop communication and recruitment plans for international students.
Goal 1-B
Grow and expand graduate pipeline programs with the aim of closing gaps in academic outcomes for students from historically marginalized groups.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
• Partner with the UC, CSU, and community college system on preparatory programs and recruitment opportunities.
• Continue to develop and expand UCLEADS, UCDGAP, McNair Scholars Program, and the Envision UC Davis program.
• Create and resource an effort to develop outreach and recruitment strategies for Rising Scholars into graduate programs.
• Expand opportunities to attend graduate or professional school early for prospective and current students, and encourage faculty to cultivate undergraduate interest in graduate or professional school.
• Establish student financial support practices that promote equity in graduate education.
Goal 1-C
Attract and admit a more diverse pool of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
• Identify and eliminate unnecessary barriers to entry for diverse students related to eligibility, application and admissions, access and financing, and transitions.
• Continue to promote the adoption of holistic graduate school admissions processes.
• Establish student financial support practices that promote equity in graduate education.
• Apply holistic review standards to the fellowship awarding process.
Goal 1-D
Directly address student and postdoc basic needs and retention.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
• Reevaluate and improve our new student and postdoc orientation programming and communications.
• Ensure that advising and service models are accessible, culturally relevant and support intercultural and global learning. Make sure that new and existing programs, events, resources and services are accessible and inclusive of students and postdoctoral scholars across all UC Davis campuses and research sites.
• Improve policies and practices related to accessibility, accommodation, work-life balance, health and wellness, and universal design so that our students and postdocs can thrive and achieve their full potential.
• Respond to the needs of students with learning challenges, disabilities and mental health concerns. Respond appropriately and with compassion and cultural competence to those experiencing distress, and increase awareness and treatment options across campus.
• Establish student financial support practices that promote equity in graduate education.
• Address the challenges associated with the existing payment schedule.
Goal 1-E
Establish the Graduate Center at Historic Walker Hall as the center of interdisciplinary graduate student life and community on the Davis campus.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
• Develop a grand opening strategy that highlights the resources, services, and spaces in the Graduate Center.
• Ensure that the space is safe and accessible to all graduate students and postdocs.
• Use the space to promote interdisciplinary interaction and collaboration.
• Increase the visibility and awareness of disability and mental health services within the Graduate Center at Walker Hall.
Goal 1-F
Assess and address the needs of postdoctoral scholars through the development of resources, programs, and partnerships.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
• Evaluate and improve postdoctoral scholar orientation.
• Create postdoctoral-scholar specific programs, resources, and communications.
• Develop new partnerships with the Office of Research, the Postdoctoral Scholar Association, and others to improve understanding about postdoc resources.