WOWza! Week of Orientation and Welcome a Rousing Success

Graduate students, new and returning, were welcomed to the UC Davis campus during Graduate Studies' Week of Orientation and Welcome (WOW!).

Nearly 30 activities and workshops were highlighted during the weeklong event including a vigorous "Fitness Ride with the Dean"; an interactive "Student Panel Discussion and Q & A" with current graduate students; and "Building Community Dinner", where students mingled and became familiar with campus resources and departments. All of the week's activities and events were free and open to all graduate students.

Lisceth Cruz, Graduate Student Assistant to the Dean and Chancellor, said the purpose of the week was to acquaint new graduate students to the resources and services available to them that will help ensure their success at the university.

"Welcome and Introduction to the Office of Graduate Studies" was the week's opening event. It was designed to allow for connections between returning and incoming graduate students. The event was held in Science Lecture Hall 123, which seats over 500 and reached capacity. It foretold the success of the events to follow.

That evening, there was a gathering of students at a popular local restaurant and brewery. When the parking lot of the venue became full, students parked on the street in order to join the festivities. It was shoulder-to-shoulder networking at its best.

"The welcome week allows students to interact with students outside of their program that they would not have met otherwise," said Marjannie Eloi, a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in the Immunology Graduate Group and co-chair for the Black Graduate and Professional Student Association. "My favorite part was just walking around and interacting with people, especially when you are able to talk to them as a real person, not just as a graduate student." Eloi said she made good friends when she attended her first welcome events four years ago and they still keep in contact.

Not only are students able to connect socially, but they are also acquainted with academically geared services on campus. "Every event was successful because students left with more knowledge about the resources available in Graduate Studies and on campus," Cruz said, "Students made important connections during the week that will aid them through their studies."

She said one of the highlights of the week was the "Resource Fair and Graduate Student Association's Barbeque" where 500 meals were prepared and served. Eloi was also present at the barbecue and says,"Great food and great turnout!" Also in attendance were graduate student organization representatives, who enabled students to stay connected through e-mail lists and the promotion of future events. "Sometimes students can feel very isolated, but the WOW! events help to make sure this doesn't happen," said Eloi.

The week closed with an exuberant trivia night. The evening event allowed students to engage in a little friendly competition over delicious appetizers. "People had so much fun and it was a great way to end the week," said Cruz.

To learn more about the Week of Orientation and Welcome, or to help with the 2012 event, e-mail Cruz at Cruz adds, "Get involved! Participate! Be on the lookout for upcoming events!"

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