UC Davis to Lead Graduate Admissions Holistic Review Project

UC Davis is leading a project to develop holistic review methods for graduate admissions in selected humanities programs on two UC campuses to increase equity and inclusivity for all applicants.

The 4½-year project, supported by a $1,195,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is a collaboration with UCLA and the University of Southern California. It will bring together faculty from interested graduate programs and graduate groups to develop holistic methods in eight humanities and humanistic social science graduate programs at each UC campus. Holistic review considers a wide range of applicant attributes and skills in addition to academic measures.

“We are excited because, ultimately, this project has the potential not only to reach across our 10-campus system, but also to reach peer institutions nationwide,” said Prasant Mohapatra, vice provost for Graduate Education and dean of Graduate Studies at UC Davis. He is the principal investigator for the project.

The new project, called the Alliance for Multicampus, Inclusive Graduate Admissions (AMIGA), aims to overcome admission barriers identified in the exploratory year. These included too little information on graduate program websites, a constrained application platform, a heavy reliance on metrics and a decentralized admission process.

Claire Goldstein, associate professor of French, is one of three faculty advisers to the project. “The tools and methods developed in the AMIGA project will create a more equitable framework for the application process,” she said, “and help graduate programs uncover a broader pool of talented students by using methods that focus on students' potential for success.”

The UC system has been a leader in piloting and adopting holistic review for undergraduate admissions, but few such efforts exist for graduate admissions in the state or nation. However, the Council of Graduate Schools and other higher education organizations encourage holistic review at the graduate level.

Read the full story on the UC Davis website.

About UC Davis Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies at UC Davis includes 99 dynamic degree programs and a diverse and interactive student body from around the world. Known for our state-of-the-art research facilities, productive laboratories and progressive spirit – UC Davis offers collaborative and interdisciplinary curricula through graduate groups and designated emphasis options, bringing students and faculty of different academic disciplines together to address real-world challenges.

UC Davis graduate students and postdoctoral scholars become leaders in their fields: researchers, teachers, politicians, mentors and entrepreneurs. They go on to guide, define and impact change within our global community.

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