Federal Government Shutdown: Guidance for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
A Message from the Vice Provost and Dean
Graduate Studies is carefully monitoring the impact of the partial federal shutdown on graduate students and postdoctoral scholars supported by federal funding.
We anticipate that new awards, funding increments, payments, and prior approvals will not be forthcoming from the impacted agencies under a shutdown. However, if you are applying for a grant, please submit your application by the deadline published in the funding opportunity announcement, regardless of the status of the government shutdown.
Continue working normally unless you receive guidance from your program to stop work. If you receive a stop work order or if have not received your obligated funds, contact externalfellowships@ucdavis.edu immediately.
To view a full list of affected agencies and updates on the status of the shutdown and its impact on various agencies, please visit the University of California's website.
Jean-Pierre Delplanque
Vice Provost and Dean - Graduate Studies