Dean Gibeling Responds to Recent Campus Events

The University of California, Davis is characterized by a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to research and graduate education that affords students an opportunity to undertake broad-based inquiry in areas of interest. Our campus is also characterized by a long-standing commitment to civility, acceptance and community.

By now, I expect that most people have seen the news and videos of last Friday’s events on the UC Davis Quad (occurring Nov. 18). The images of a police officer pepper spraying seated demonstrators is chilling and disturbing; it is very disheartening to see campus activities result in such actions no matter what the circumstances. The events of last Friday are not consistent with the character of UC Davis or the ideals for which we stand.

The character of an institution is not defined by a single event. Rather, its character is defined by the ways that an institution responds to events that challenge its principles. The posted videos are distressing, but it is not possible to know at this time all that transpired on Friday from the information that is available publicly. Chancellor Katehi has committed to a full investigation and prompt report on Friday’s events. She has also committed to a review of the policies that led to the confrontation, particularly the ban on camping on the Quad. Learning from character-testing mistakes and responding with corrective actions is critical to our future.

UC Davis remains fully committed to the principles of freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest. At the same time, the university’s authority to control the time and place of those activities is also well-established as a means to protect the rights of all members of the community. Balancing those concepts is often very challenging. But, in responding to Friday’s events we must not compromise another important principle: to seek the truth. It is from truth and understanding that we grow stronger.

I am saddened by the events of last Friday, but I am also committed to helping make UC Davis a better and stronger community for graduate study. At UC Davis, we are more than just acres of land and buildings. We are people. We are a robust and proud community of students, faculty and staff. We must unite in our mission of understanding and tolerance as we move forward to heal our campus.


Jeff Gibeling

Dean of Graduate Studies

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