Update on the Participation in Qualifying Examinations for Winter 2022 Only
An Announcement from the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
Dear All,
Following Chancellor May’s announcement regarding the extension of remote instruction until January 28, we want to update our guidance on Qualifying Examinations. We encourage all graduate programs to hold Qualifying Examinations in person; however, we recognize that some additional flexibility may be needed. In order to balance flexibility with predictability for graduate students, we will approve the following options for the remainder of the winter quarter only:

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
- Fully in-person for the student and all committee members
- Fully remote for all participants
- Remote participation for one committee member, as before COVID for committee members from other institutions. Students must submit the request for the remote participant via the Remote Participation Request Form for Graduate Studies review and approval.
For Winter 2022 QE applications that were already submitted to Graduate Studies, the QE Chair must note the format of the QE on the QE report.
For Winter 2022 QE applications that have not yet been submitted, the intended format (remote or in-person) of the QE must be noted on the QE application.
Individuals scheduling QEs for Spring quarter should expect they will be in-person.
As a reminder, all advanced degree committees are expected to follow the same campus and Academic Senate guidance regarding remote participation. In addition, per policy, QE applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the planned exam date. Graduate Studies will not accept any last-minute QE applications or changes. We appreciate your partnership in helping ensure this is a minimally disruptive experience for students.
Please share this with the students in your program to whom this applies.
The Graduate Studies website has more information on COVID-related exceptions and Graduate Studies operational changes.
I welcome any questions you have on this topic.
Duncan Temple Lang
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs