Find External Fellowships

Where to Find Fellowships

Search Engines for Fellowships and Grants

    A searchable database of the funding opportunities from the 26 federal grant-making agencies. Register for a and add UC Davis to your applicant profile to apply for a federal funding opportunity. Additional resources include the Community Blog and YouTube channel.           
  • Pivot 
    UC Davis subscribes to an online database of funding opportunities called Pivot. This comprehensive listing of funding opportunities, including international opportunities, has all disciplines represented. Pivot is available to all UC Davis affiliates. Use your email address to register for a Pivot account. Registered users can create searches and set personalized email alerts. This is a link to the Quick Start Guide and to our Pivot tutorial on YouTube.  

  • Philanthropy News Digest
     Search under the RFPs tab to view current funding opportunities from grant-making organizations and non-profits. The listings are updated daily. The listings provide a summary of the funding opportunities. Register for an account to set notifications and subscribe to the RFP Bulletin.   
  • Immigrants Rising (formerly Educators for Fair Consideration)
    Immigrants Rising maintains a list of funding opportunities for graduate students that do not require proof of U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residency. The list is updated annually. E4FC also provides scholarships to low-income immigrant students who live and/or attend school in the San Francisco Bay Area through its Scholarship Fund.     
    A searchable database of graduate and postdoctoral extramural support opportunities created and maintained by the Graduate Division at UCLA.             

Underrepresented & International Resources

HSF provides support services and scholarship database for students to successfully complete higher education.

AAUW provides funding opportunities for women, both domestic and international, to pursue their graduate education. 

IIE provides a searchable database of scholarships and programs offered to domestic and international students, to help pursue graduate education. Fulbright Program provides thousands of competitive merit-based grants worldwide and across many academic disciplines.

IEFA helps to promote international education by providing a searchable database of scholarships for international and national students alike. 

Profellow offers a list of open calls for applications includes professional fellowships, research grants for individuals, graduate school funding opportunities, and funding awards.

Applicant Resources

  • Institutional information 
    Some applications must be submitted with UC Davis, not the PI, listed as the applicant. This is a link to information about that campus that sponsors may require you to provide, including identification numbers and codes. 
  • Cayuse 424
    If the federal grant that you are applying for instructs you to use, please use Cayuse 424 instead. UC Davis users access the system with their Kerberos login. After logging in for the first time, please complete your professional profile. Training materials are available online at the SPARK website. The Office of Research also offers weekly labs for new users (Please note that Graduate Studies has not yet adopted Cayuse SP.)
  • Conflict of interest
     Investigators receiving external funding to support research activities are required to disclose financial interests that they, or their immediate family, may have in the sponsor. Forms should be completed online through the eCOI Disclosure Page. The funding source determines which forms must be completed. An online training course must be completed if the research is funded by a PHS agency or a sponsor who has adopted the PHS requirements.     
  • Human subjects
     Investigators proposing research activities that meet either the DHHS or FDA definitions of human research must submit protocols for review through IRBNet. No human research may begin until the protocol has been reviewed and approved. Student and postdoc investigators are required to complete the same training, meet all federal and institutional requirements, and have the same duties and responsibilities as faculty researchers. The IRB office has also created an Investigator Manual that describes the responsibilities of investigators involved in human research.
  • Animal research and teaching
    All research activities involving live vertebrate animals must have an IACUC-approved animal care and use protocol. New protocols and amendments must be submitted online through Amendments & Protocols. Any changes to the approved protocol must be approved by IACUC prior to implementation. Safety Services maintains a list of current policies and guidelines.       

Writing Support

  • GradPathways - In partnership with the University Writing Program, a number of courses and workshops focused on grant writing are available through our professional development program. These include the Writing Partner Program, Graduate Writer’s Retreats, and one-on-one consultations with Graduate Writing Fellows, all of which could be used as support during the grantwriting process. Registration is required. Podcasts of previous workshops are also available online.