Dean Witter Fund

Fund requests for fiscal year 2024-2025 will open in fall quarter.

A limited amount of money is available through the Dean Witter Fund to help offset the cost of entertainment of graduate students by faculty members or the converse. The fund is intended to promote faculty/student academic interaction in informal settings. The fund cannot be used for alcoholic beverages. Professional school students may inquire about Dean Witter funds through their dean's offices.


The following guidelines govern the distribution of the funds with the intent of insuring that the greatest number of participants may use this resource.

  1. Graduate students or faculty may act as a sponsor and apply for Dean Witter funds for academic gatherings or events.
    1. A faculty member may invite graduate students to an informal gathering or a graduate student may invite faculty members to such an event. (Note: this is not intended as support for normal research group meetings). The sponsor may be reimbursed up to $22.00 per individual with a maximum of $300 per event and can use the funds once per academic year.
    2. For graduate student applicants, guests may include faculty members, teaching assistants, or advisors (and their spouses). For faculty applicants, guests may include students (and their spouses).
    3. The chair of a graduate program may sponsor an event that is open to all faculty and students of a graduate program and may request reimbursement of funds for expenses not to exceed $300.
    4. Professional school faculty and/or students may inquire about Dean Witter funds through their dean's offices.
  2. Requests for reimbursement must include an itemized receipt and a list of attendees indicating student or faculty status.
    1. Expenses will be directly charged to the Dean Witter Fund COA, funds cannot be moved to other departments
  3. Only one Dean Witter reimbursement may be requested for each event. An event may not have more than one sponsor.
  4. Funds are not available to entertain off-campus visitors or undergraduates.
  5. Faculty members, program chairs, and students can use the fund once per academic year.
  6. Requests for funds must be made PRIOR to the event by contacting Olga Garzón-López at If funds are available, a reservation will be made and you will receive an application form. As soon as possible after the event, please return the completed Dean Witter application and the ORIGINAL itemized receipt (a photocopy of the receipt will not be accepted) to Olga Garzón-López. You will receive a reimbursement check within two to four weeks.

Ineligible Events and Expenses

  • Alcohol beverages
  • Departmental events
  • Events open to the public
  • Formal classroom activities and/or functions that are a part of the graded curriculum
  • Formal recognition/award events
  • Gift cards
  • Spouses, domestic partners and family members of attendees
  • Tickets for sport events or musical/theatrical performances